Squarespace 7.1 is the newest version of Squarespace that officially launched in early 2020. There were very mixed reviews when it first came out, but, since then, Squarespace has done a good job of fixing issues and adding in incredible functionality to Squarespace 7.1. To help you make an informed choice for your business website, here's a quick rundown of the key differences between Squarespace 7.0 and 7.1…

Is blogging dead? It’s a question often repeated over time by marketers and business owners alike. And it’s a valid question, especially with the rise in consumption of video and social media content. So, does anybody still read blogs? Are blogs a waste of time? Is blogging still relevant?

Website navigation can make or break the user experience of your website. It’s the backbone of your website, allowing users to easily find what they’re looking for and navigate from page to page. In fact, studies show that poor navigation is one of the top reasons why users leave a website. So, it’s crucial to pay attention to your website’s navigation and make sure it’s user-friendly. Here are ten tips to help you improve your website’s navigation for a better user experience…

Copy Matters! Why? Because Google crawls the words on your site, not the images. Because the right message can lead, inspire, and form a deep connection very quickly. Because too much of the wrong copy can confuse people. Before they realize its significance, copy is something many businesses think they can just make up on the fly. If you want your site to truly perform we recommend investing in a professional copywriter who understands your market/arena (we can put you in touch with one, let us know). It’s important to have your copy nailed down before the web-design process begins…

Your website is a living, breathing entity on the internet. Every update you make to your website once it is “live” on the internet plays an important role in its interaction with visitors, customers, and the powerful search engines that be. Unlike print, billboard, or sign campaigns, your website (and your social media) can, and should, grow and change every day. That's one of the key benefits of a digital medium. Technology is a creature that requires constant attention and care. New changes should be made as seen fit for your company, but we’ve outline a few tips to increase your Google ranking and optimize your web presence. Here are four SEO best practices to help increase your Google Ranking…

Because it rocks! Also, because we believe our clients should be empowered...and the tools Squarespace provides allows for just that. Squarespace is a groundbreaking platform that has many useful features. The templates are world class and for many, the design of the existing templates work for their needs. Much of the work we do includes additional customization including: animations, custom backend, modified templates, third-party integrations, and custom widgets…

You're starting a new business and you need a website. Maybe you've tried to hire someone or maybe you've even tried your hand at building it yourself. Turns out, it's not quite so easy, especially when you're building your business at the same time.

We take the typically overwhelming and exasperating process of building a website and make it painless and enjoyable for you…